Alabama Child Care Licensing

Importance of Licensing Child Care

Find out the correct laws and regulations for licensing a day care center or facility in the state of Alabama. It is very important to ensure that your day care center is properly licensed, even if it is just a small home-based care center. You also want to make sure that you have followed all of the state mandated safety codes and regulations like fire safety, crib safety, and playground safety. These rules are in place to help keep your day care center safe and secure, and to protect the children you care for each day. Contact your State's child care licensing agency and find out what you need to do so that your child care facility is legally licensed and ready to receive children.

Alabama State Licensing Contact Information

The following information is your state's contact information for licensing a child care center. We hope this helps to make starting your childcare center just a little easier.

Alabama Department of Human Resources
Child Care Services Division
Gordon Persons Building, Suite 2130
50 North Ripley Street
Montgomery, AL 36130-1801
Phone: 334-242-1425
Toll Free: 866-528-1694