Getting To Know You...
Welcome to the first special of our "Getting to know you..." series. Throughout the next few weeks we'll introduce you to the many child care agencies, organizations and related services who can help you with your child care needs and concerns.
The fact is, there are many services available to asssit parents, caregivers and employers. Most are as close as your computer or your telephone.
Child care organizations, federations and associations have a common goal: To educate politicians, caregivers and parents on quality child care issues; advocate for high-quality, affordable, accessible child care, and create a public awareness of child care issues. They also:
* conduct research
* hold seminars
* publish much-needed child care related information
* discuss child care issues with governments and businesses
* arrange for child care experts to speak at meetings
* address government hearings, and
* provide assistance to just about anyone who has a child care concern.
For such organizations to be effective however, they need members from all sides of the child care spectrum, from parents to caregivers, and from individual programs to politicians: Below is a quick list of just a few of the major national child care organizations in both Canada and the U.S.
Child care organizations also reach down into individual states/provinces and individual communities to provide support for local initiatives, child care providers and professionals. Please visit our Valuable Links page for a listing of organizations in your area. If you represent an organization and your information is not included, please take the time to add your link.
Canadian Child Care Federation
383 Parkdale Avenue, Suite 201
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4R4
1-800-858-1412 Toll Free
(613) 729-5289
The C.C.C.F. is a national, non-profit, service-based organization committed to improving the quality of child care in Canada. It encourages communication, promotes research and supports the development of resources for child care. The C.C.C.F. also develops models, standards, and guidelines for quality child care, professional development and organizational design.
The Federation publishes a quarterly magazine, INTERACTION, as well as other bulletins, resource sheets, and updates on the Child Care Initiatives Fund projects, which are part of their membership benefits. They also hold national conferences, sponsor public education and help to develop national guidelines.
The Canadian Association For Young Children
1009 London Street,
New Westminister, B.C. V3M 3B7
(604) 522-7584
The Canadian Association for Young Children (CAYC) was granted it's Federal Charter in 1974. To this day, the CAYC is the only national association specifically concerned with the well being of children, birth through age nine - at home, in preschool settings and at school.
Canadian Day Care Advocacy Association
323 Chapel Street Ottawa,
Ontario K1 N 7Z2
(613) 594-3196
The C.D.C.A.A. is an incorporated, non-profit, bilingual organization committed to the development of accessible, affordable, high-quality, child care services for Canadians. The primary goal of the association is to work toward expanding the child care system and improving its quality. The Association has a broad base of support, and represents a constituency of parents, day care providers and concerned individuals and groups. Membership includes participation in biennial Steering Committee elections, their newsletter, VISIONS, and policy and research papers.
Child Care Resource and Research Unit
Centre for Urban and Community Studies
University of Toronto
455 Spadina Avenue Suite 305
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2G8
(416) 978-6895
The Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU) at the Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto began operation in the early 1980s in response to a need in the child care field for information and public education resources. As child care and related services have developed in Canada, the requirements of researchers, advocates, and policy makers for research, policy and program materials concerning child care have expanded enormously. Over the years, the CRRU has evolved to meet some of these requirements.
The CRRU produces a number of publications including an Occasional Paper series, fact sheets containing summaries of pertinent child care information, annotated bibliographies and other publications. The Unit has also produced several videotapes.
Child Care Action Campaign (C.C.A.C.)
330 Seventh Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY 1001-5010
(212) 239-0138
The C.C.A.C. educates the public about the need for more quality, affordable child care and advocates for solutions to the crisis. Members receive the bi-monthly newsletter, CHIlD CARE ACTIONEWS, announcements of C.C.A.C.'s activities and information about recent developments in the child care field. Membership with the C.C.A.C. helps support their efforts to make quality, affordable child care available for ALL children and families.
National Association for the Education of Young Children
1509- 16th Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 232-8777
N.A.E.Y.C. is a non-profit professional organization dedicated to improving the quality of services provided to young children and their families. They meet this goal by:
(1) providing educational opportunities and resources to promote the
professional development of those working for and with young
children, and
(2) working to increase public knowledge and support for high quality
early childhood programs.
Among their services are an Annual Conference, a bi-monthly journal YOUNG CHILDREN, and an extensive array of brochures, books, videos, posters, information kits, and resource referrals through their expanding Information Service. Membership helps to support advocacy efforts, the annual 'Week of the Child', position statements, and media representation to inform the public about the needs of America's children. .
National Association for Family Child Care
725 Fifteenth St. N. W., Suite 505
Washington, D.C. 20005
(800) 359-3817
The N.A.F.C.C. is a professional organization representing family group home child care providers throughout the United States. The mission of N.A.F.C.C. is to promote and enhance their professional by recognizing and encouraging quality child care for children. Membership includes a year subscription to their quarterly newsletter, THE NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE for a basic membership, and the DIRECTORY OF ASSOCIATIONS and SUPPORT GROUPS plus voting privileges for Association and Agency memberships